Wolne stanowiska naukowe i akademickie. Sprawdź dostępne oferty pracy, które posiada Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego

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Dostępne oferty pracy - Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
Dostępne oferty pracy - Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego gettyimages.com/fizkes
Interesują Cię oferty pracy ze środowiska akademickiego? Bardzo dobrze trafiłeś. W naszym artykule prezentujemy oferty pracy m.in. na stanowiska akademickie i naukowe, które posiada Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego. Sprawdź, które z nich jest odpowiednie dla twoich kompetencji i dorobku naukowego. Weź udział w konkursie na stanowisko, które najbardziej Cię interesuje.

Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego - wolne stanowiska pracy

Na polskich uczelniach można wyróżnić kilka rodzajów stanowisk, na które zatrudniani są nauczyciele akademiccy. Są to:

  • pracownicy dydaktyczni
  • pracownicy badawczy
  • pracownicy badawczo-dydaktyczni

Dodatkowo w ramach tego podziału nauczyciele akademiccy mogą być zatrudnieni na stanowiskach:

  • profesora
  • profesora uczelni
  • adiunkta
  • asystenta

Warto wiedzieć, że dana uczelnia może mieć również inne stanowiska, które określone są w jej statucie.
Rekrutacja na stanowiska akademickie ma formę konkursu. Jest to obowiązek, jeśli: * jest to pierwszy pierwszy stosunek pracy w określonej uczelni publicznej nawiązany z nauczycielem akademickim,

  • jest to umowa na czas nieokreślony lub określony dłuższy niż 3 miesiące,
  • jest to wymiar pracy przekraczający połowę pełnego wymiaru czasu pracy.

Dane pochodzą z Akademickiej Bazy Ogłoszeń.

Oferty pracy - Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego: Wykładowca/Starszy Wykładowca

  • Lokalizacja: Warszawa
  • Uczelnia: Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
  • Wydział: Department of Quantitative Methods & Information Technology
  • Rodzaj stanowiska: dydaktyczna
  • Typ zatrudnienia: pełny etat, umowa o pracę
  • Ogłoszenie dodano: 2024-05-29
  • Ogłoszenie wygasa: 2024-06-19

Kozminski University is a non-public higher education institution with a broad business profile (management, finance and economics, and law), recognized as the best business school in Central and Eastern Europe according to the „Financial Times” rankings. The Perspektywy national ranking also deems KU as a vice-leader among business universities in Poland, and for many years, the institutions has been ranked first among non-public institutions. KU also has the three most important international business education accreditations, comprising the so-called „Triple Crown”: EQUIS, AMBA, and AACSB. Only 1 percent of business schools worldwide have accomplished this honor. KU is the first and, so far, the only university in Poland to have set the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Advertisement : https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/career-at-kozminski-university/lecturer-senior-lecturer-department-quantitative-methods-information-technology14


  • In the case of a lecturer position: a master's degree in management or information technology sciences
  • In the case of a lecturer position: proven experience in teaching , including on – line teaching, conducting and organizing didactic classes, courses or trainings, etc.,
  • In the case of a lecturer position: proven experience of working and implemneting IT projects directed to large groups of users.
  • In the case of a senior lecturer position: doctorate in the field of a doctoral degree in management or information technology sciences,
  • In the case of a senior lecturer position: proven experience in teaching in higher education
  • In the case of a senior lecturer position: conducting undergraduate seminars and master's theses.
  • For All: readiness to conduct classes in Polish and English with the use of simulation games in the field of management, practical knowledge of MsOffice, especially MsExcell, MsTeams, Informational Technology, basics of AI models like ChatGPT ,
  • For All: conducting classes in thematic areas: Introduction to information systems, MsOffice, advanced MsExcel,
  • For All: interest of designing engaging on-line courses,
  • For All: confirmed knowledge of MsOffice and Microsoft products,
  • For All: knowledge of English at the B2 level, as defined in the European System of Language Education Description, enabling classes in this language,
  • For All: fluent knowledge of the Polish language, at least at C1 level,
  • For All: independent thinking, resistance to stress,
  • For All: ability to work in a team, communication skills, personal culture,
  • For All: readiness to conduct on-site and online classes,
  • For All: availability for stationary work at the headquarters of KU,
  • For All: readiness to indicate KU as the first place of work,
  • For All: availability (full-time studies are conducted from Monday to Friday, and part-time studies are also conducted on Saturday and Sunday),
  • For All: profiles on major social media - LinkedIn or readiness to set them up.


  • conducting educational activities as agreed upon with the Head of the Department, in accordance with the allotted teaching hours for the respective position in the academic year, including conducting classes in Polish and English,
  • supervision of student/research organizations and projects
  • execution of administrative tasks as specified by the Head of the Department
  • initiating educational and training projects

Więcej informacji o ofercie pracy znajduje się na stronie: bazaogloszen.nauka.gov.pl

Oferty pracy - Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego: Wykładowca/Starszy Wykładowca

  • Lokalizacja: Warszawa
  • Uczelnia: Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
  • Wydział: Department of Quantitative Methods & Information Technology, Centre for Simulation games and Gamification
  • Rodzaj stanowiska: dydaktyczna
  • Typ zatrudnienia: pełny etat, umowa o pracę
  • Ogłoszenie dodano: 2024-05-27
  • Ogłoszenie wygasa: 2024-06-17

For more information, please check deparatmental site: https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/department/department-quantitative-methods-information-technology We encourage you to contact us and ask questions if you have any doubts about the content of the advertisement or want to consult on how to adjust your scientific path to the profile of the candidate you are looking for and the recruitment needs of a given organizational unit. Content of the announcement: https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/career-at-kozminski-university/lecturer-senior-lecturer-department-quantitative-methods-information-technology Any questions and doubts regarding the recruitment announcement can be directed to Marcin Wardaszko, PhD to the e-mail address: [email protected]


  • In the case of a lecturer position: a master's degree in economic, mathematic or information technology sciences,
  • In the case of a lecturer position: proven experience in teaching , including on – line teaching, conducting and organizing didactic classes, courses or trainings, etc.,
  • In the case of a senior lecturer position: doctorate in the field of a doctoral degree in economic, mathematic or information technology sciences,
  • In the case of a senior lecturer position: proven experience in teaching in higher education,
  • In the case of a senior lecturer position: conducting undergraduate seminars and master's theses.
  • For All: readiness to conduct classes in Polish and English with the use of simulation games in the field of management, practical knowledge of MsOffice, MsTeams, Informational Technology, SPSS, Statistica, R-Studio,
  • For All: conducting classes in thematic areas: statistics mathematical and descriptive, mathematical analysis, econometric modelling,
  • For All: interest of designing decision-making and economic games or gamification,
  • For All: confirmed knowledge of statistical analysis and mathematics methods and econometric modelling,
  • For All: education in the field of: mathematics, statistics,
  • For All: knowledge of English at the C1 level, as defined in the European System of Language Education Description, enabling classes in this language,
  • For All: fluent knowledge of the Polish language, at least at C1 level,
  • For All: independent thinking, resistance to stress,
  • For All: ability to work in a team, communication skills, personal culture,
  • For All: readiness to conduct on-site and online classes,
  • For All: availability for stationary work at the headquarters of KU,
  • For All: readiness to indicate KU as the first place of work,
  • For All: availability (full-time studies are conducted from Monday to Friday, and part-time studies are also conducted on Saturday and Sunday),
  • For All: profiles on major social media - LinkedIn or readiness to set them up.


  • conducting educational activities as agreed upon with the Head of the Department, in accordance with the allotted teaching hours for the respective position in the academic year, including conducting classes in Polish and English,
  • supervision of student/research organizations and projects,
  • execution of administrative tasks as specified by the Head of the Department,
  • initiating educational and training projects.

Więcej informacji o ofercie pracy znajduje się na stronie: bazaogloszen.nauka.gov.pl


Oferty pracy - Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/ ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR

  • Lokalizacja: Warszawa
  • Uczelnia: Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
  • Wydział: Katedra Psychologii Ekonomicznej
  • Rodzaj stanowiska: badawczo-dydaktyczna
  • Typ zatrudnienia: pełny etat, umowa o pracę
  • Ogłoszenie dodano: 2024-05-07
  • Ogłoszenie wygasa: 2024-06-10

For more information, please check deparatmental site: https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/pl/psychologia-ekonomiczna https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/pl/jednostki/katedra-psychologii-ekonomicznej and the list of the courses taught by the department (with description): https://kozminski.bip.gov.pl/fobjects/download/1643115/zarzadzanie_i_psychologia_biznesu_i_st-pdf.html https://kozminski.bip.gov.pl/fobjects/download/1643116/zarzadzanie_i_psychologia_biznesu_ii_st-pdf.html We encourage you to contact us and ask questions if you have any doubts about the content of the advertisement or want to consult on how to adjust your scientific path to the profile of the candidate you are looking for and the recruitment needs of a given organizational unit. Any questions and doubts regarding the recruitment announcement can be directed to Łukasz Markiewicz, PhD to the e-mail address: [email protected] or Sabina Kołodziej, PhD to the e-mail address: [email protected]


  • completed master's studies in psychology,
  • for a position of assistant professor: PhD in Social Sciences/Humanities/Medical Sciences/Health Sciences (or equivalent for academic degrees obtained abroad),
  • for a position of associate professor: academic degree of doctor habilitated,
  • for a position of associate professor: in the case of obtaining the academic degree of doctor at a foreign university, scientific achievements sufficient to consider the achievements as equivalent to the degrees of doctor habilitated,
  • knowledge of English at least at the C1 level, as defined in the European System for the Description of Languages,
  • knowledge of the Polish language at least at the C1 level,
  • ability to carry out empirical research supported by a list of empirical papers published in international scientific journals (at least 2 publications in journals with the IF assigned in the last 5 years),
  • indication of ongoing and planned projects/publications,
  • for a position of assistant professor: conducting research at the international level is welcome (English-language articles, co-authorship of texts with researchers with affiliation outside Poland),
  • for a position of associate professor: conducting research at the international level (English-language articles, co-authorship of texts with researchers with affiliation outside Poland),
  • interest in the subject of research conducted at the of Economic Psychology OR Organisation and Work Psychology,
  • for a position of assistant & associate professor: work in research projects/grants financed from domestic and/or foreign funds,
  • we expect experience in conducting academic courses. We also expect declarations regarding which of the basic psychological courses the candidate is able to lead among listed: - Introduction to Psychology Course, - Social Psychology, - Psychology of Personality and Individual Differences, - Psychology of Emotions and Motivation, - Research Methods and Data Analysis.
  • the additional advantage would lie in the experience of teaching Applied Psychology courses, such as: - Organization and Work Psychology (Human Factor in Work Environment), - Economic & Financial Psychology, - Elements of Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, - alternatively, experience in conducting psychosocial and interpersonal skills trainings would also be advantageous.
  • foreign scholarships,
  • high level of digital competence enabling the operation of IT systems,
  • interpersonal skills - including communication, coperation, conflict resolution, adaptation, teamwork,
  • profiles on major social media (Google Scholar & Researchgate, LinkedIn),
  • availability to conduct classes on selected days of the week and on selected weekends - in accordance with the schedule set by the didactics department,
  • readiness to indicate KU as the first place of work.


  • conducting research in the economic and bussiness psychology and publishing in journals with an assigned impact factor,
  • research cooperation with other employees of the Department aimed at publishing in high-profile journals,
  • teaching a number of classes assigned to the position, mostly in Polish but occasionally teaching in English also posible posible,
  • supervision of students’ thesis projects, thesis reviews,
  • performing administrative tasks as defined by the Head of the Department.

Więcej informacji o ofercie pracy znajduje się na stronie: bazaogloszen.nauka.gov.pl

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