MKTG SR - pasek na kartach artykułów

Uczmy się angielskiego (mp3)

/GE/ Source: ZDF televisio
Potrzebujesz pomocy w nauce angielskiego? Wskazówek udziela Roy Haworth, Anglik, który w Tarnobrzegu mieszka od kilku lat.

When I was a student, it was pretty (= quite) common to have a gap year. This is when people travel, work or do both after their A-levels (= matura) because they want a break from studying and because they want to see the world and get new experiences before continuing their studies.

These days, it's apparently getting a lot less popular. Young people are very much aware (= bardzo świadomy) that they will probably graduate deep in debt (= długi) and they don't want to add to it. Flying's out for a lot of people because it damages the environment. And they are realising that it's not terribly adventurous to go to the same places that thousands of young people have been to before them. However, there's still an appetite for getting away from it all (=go somewhere where there's no stress) for a bit (= a while): apparently, three-month exotic holiday breaks are growing in popularity.

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